I'm not sure if you saw the brilliant BBC drama recently 'Hattie' The story of the 5 year affair Hattie Jacques had with a young man.
There were many good things about this drama, especially the brilliant Ruth Jones. But also the clever way that the sex scenes were filmed without the usual naked shots of man clothed female. In fact it was filmed in such a way that there would have been little embarrassment watching this with the family. Shame the BBC weren't so generous when filming the Kenneth Williams story with full male frontal exposure.
That aside, what was also noticeable was how chivalrous John Le Measurer - Jacques' husband was when discovering his wife's sordid affair. For let's face it, he could have thrown her out of the home, slapped and scratched her face, kicked her in the groin, tore up her clothes, placed an advert in the Times saying what a two timing slut she was, maybe even wished she would go to prison where she would be raped in the showers by the biggest dyke going.
One cannot help feel that there is a double standard in this world. (Ahem!) Yet when a man has an affair there is the assumption that the woman is single thus rendering his existing partner as the victim. Yet in this case, Jacques' husband allowed a friend to take the blame to save her face.
Of course the truth is that a woman is just as likely to have an illicit affair as a man. Yet it is social apathy that allows misandry to take over. To somehow render the man speechless. Times are changing. Even I am seeing the tide turn. (What I am not seeing is Google adding the word misandry to its spellcheck)
Was Hattie a Cunt? No! She was just a woman.