We all know the western media cannot cope with the notion that women can be erm bad, but stories like this piss me off big style. Troll kills child and there just has to be some reason why. Well there is of course a reason why ANYBODY WOMAN OR MAN kills a person, But the media just has to find an excuse. A man is just evil but a woman is ill or driven to it with a whole host of pathetic excuses to justify female crime let alone murder. Yet pick up what the English attempt to pass as newspapers and it's clear to see that they are not fearful of reporting on women who are paedos like GREER or murders abusers thieves etc etc. But it just hasn't got the capability of admitting that women are just as likely to commit crimes as a man. You just have to see how rough British women are when out and about, see who starts the fights see who becomes the victim when some sensible person gives an out of control troll a deserved slap.
Still some growing up to be done Britain.