August 12, 2013

Gays in the Military A major re-think thanks to Mr Lloyd.

Somebody I was following on Twatter (albeit for a day)  had a go at me for a tweet I posted about gays in the military. He was a gay masculist (opens arms to a brother and gives him a massive hug!!) 

Let me use my blog to stress my point. For those regular readers, you may want to jog on as its going to get real boring. You see I am really split in two on this matter...........

Throughout time, men have been forced to war. Their sexual orientation was irrelevant and was not a considered factor when they were hoodwinked from their lives. So it makes sense that to me it doesn't matter what a man does in bed. When I'm fortunate enough to be able to select men and to offer their lives for another (usually mens but not exclusively) mans war. 

Men are as different and varied as women, its just that society bundles them all into a box labelled man (or misogynist hey girls??) and does what it will with him.

There was a time when society encouraged the demonisation and bullying on gay men, now its just white straight men who you can do that to.

Today, there is still some descent towards true equality and that is where the problem lies. Things that are not the same cannot be the same despite how you legislate.  

But the main problem for me is that nobody ever considers the rights of, in this instance, heterosexual men. What if they just don't want to share the most intimate moments of living with a group of men with those who may be sexually attracted to them? The exact same reason men and women are kept apart. What if a straight man is uncomfortable in that arena? Legislation cannot make you think in a way that suits the currently held belief. I don't want any of my brothers to be uncomfortable in any situation because of his sex or sexuality. 

But........  shit. SHIT!!!!  Hang on. What am I doing? What am I saying? Are the gay brothers not brothers? Are they not the people who have to face their own discrimination just like hetero men? Modern man doesn't give a shiny shite if the man sat next to him is gay or not. As long (and its fair to say) that boundaries are understood. Indeed my big butch work colleagues bezzy mate is gay. They go on holiday together, get pissed together, go on the pull together (ish), and in no doubt, their fore fathers will have faced the battlefields during 2000 years of developing the world we inhabit.

What about this?

Can we forgive them or be envious. Gay men and their sexuality is applauded and embraced, their sexuality is not derided in the mainstream like heterosexual men. Surely it is this acceptance that hetero men want. To be able to express himself without somebody called Ann pointing at her vagina and suggesting that it is somehow wrong, whilst wallowing in her own sexuality. 

Did Julius Caesar not marry his house boy? Was Greek culture not so that a more mature man would court a young man until he was 25 and this was perceived to be a necessary passage of rights. Pederasty was an interesting passage of rights that was somehow the norm (read up on it before criticising).

In fact the more I think about it, celebrating male sexuality is in order and big style. A small group of vocal women are working hard to demonise young men and their sexuality. Lets show that scum we are not taking their shit any more.

Have a good day now.