August 28, 2013


 Slut walk?
Not asking for it?

Recently, Justin Bieber declared he was growing up by behaving all arsey and aggressive to prove he is turning into a man and to disassociate himself from the child star. He has images of himself masturbating on the internet, sexually aroused, and more recently pictures  taken of the (Alien looking) lad naked in front of his grandmother. 

Nice Justin.

Then former Hannah Montanna performer Miley Cirus equally detaches herself from her child persona and expresses herself to the world as a grown up by demonstrating she has reached sexual maturity (Ahem!!) She does not masturbate to the camera and she does not go fully naked. However, she does behave like a woman and expresses her sexuality in the above slutty way and wait for it...... men are to blame!

So on that basis, we can assume Biebers fans are responsible for his jerk off and his grandmother responsible for his naked guitar playing? Of course not. Its just the usual misandryious rhetoric usually from 'women' who feel their vagina gives them right to speak on behalf of other women and demand they behave in a certain way. Therefore when sluts like Cirus behave like slags, they cannot comprehend that she is maybe acting in a way that SHE wants to. That no man is guilty of pushing her into this. That society may have pre-conceived notions of female sexuality  (not male?? REALLY??) but there isn't a person holding a gun to her head. No! You see the small un-prespresentative group of wimmin who feel they can speak for all of womankind and indeed mankind, and direct the behaviours of free men and women in accordance with their beliefs are just wrong. And woman after woman proves the point.  Feminism doesn't exist in the real world, but in the cosy world of the spoilt ugly, misandryious, middle class little bitches or lesbians, whose privilege is handed on a plate to them by men BECAUSE they are wimmin yet feel they have had to 'battle' for their privilage. 

Ironically, this matter was discussed on Channel 5's The Wright Stuff today and as usual, 'maleblame' was the first port of call. Reference was made to the respectable way men present themselves and conduct themselves at such events, but was quick, on the back of this observation, to accuse men of being to blame.

 No reference was made to plethora of female lead acts who, due to their enormous homosexual followers, have handsome athletic male dancers wearing next to nothing. So any argument about that is just ignored. We have to assume women aren't aroused by topless men........ yeah right! 

Wake up men!