Now before any of you think I am going to make yet another gay blog think again. No this hung gentleman was in Spartacus:Blood and Sand TV series that I happened to catch the other day.
My reason for posting this picture and un-censored contrary to my normal high standards is as follows. First of all, this is a prosthetic penis so I am sparing the actors modesty. This series seems to appeal to the gays immensley and now I see why. Before I go on it is fair to say that from the odd snippet I have seen a full naked female with her pubic hair and his genitals on display. Note what I said then? You see if we were to actually see female genitals the actress would have to lie back and spread them. I also acknowledge that if I men had a vagina and women a penis I would be saying that the same thing in defence of female exploitation but I would point out that the male genitals were on the inside. But what is sickening far more than the above image is the way in which society automatically lends itself to double standards. Let me whine on..
In September I had an interesting conversation with the Gas man who came to service my central heating. I guess I should really say Gas Service Personnel now as we know that 50% of gas men are now women!!! Well erm I did have one gas woman once but to address her with the privilege of womanhood would have resulted in me getting the TV acceptable slap in the chops as she was more masculine than me. So the gas man is complaining about a recent event he attended where toilet facilities had been set up. These included the old fashioned Urinal out in the open with no screens around it. Today I am much braver in addressing such double standards as my fellow man is wakening up to the huge double standard and inconsitency associated with being a man. He was pissed off ( intentional) as he was required to have a pee within a few feet of people men and women walking around. He had even taken a picture. I didn't ask for a copy as it may have looked well dodgy, but there it was with no regard for a man's right to privacy. This lead on to a really interesting conversation about the kind of things I express on here. So some awakening is taking place.
The most annoying thing is that many actors (actors are male actresses is female) are required to fully expose themselves these days. That Cumberbatch person was on Jonathan Ross who was laughing at him as he could see he was playing with his cock to make it look bigger when he appeared out of a bag on some west end play. Can you imagine seeing an actual vagina in a play or on TV? I know there are lies and myths but they are just that. Can you imagine an actress required to stimulate her vagina in order to make it look more ready to take a cock? Which is the female equivalent of the erection. Can you imagine a programme with OAP Michael Parkinson walking around a naked girl with her legs open staring at her aroused vagina bemoaning it to be the true last Taboo? No of course not. This was that old feminist bird Joan Bakewell acting smug and superiour in front of a handsome man penis erect. Presumably she was squeeking round that room unless she has dried up completely. Yet this is what is happening today. The above image is increasing. There are websited dedicated to catching an actors penis and displaying it as some kind of trophy. English actor Matthew Leitch even got it out got it hard and wanked in some gutter film called Sabor Tropical. Following the cum moment Leith cries. Probably realsied he was not doing a porno and his dear mummy will have to watch him cracking one off. (No prosthetic there!) But my biggest concern is behaviours. Why do women act
Boys are denied opportunity to be educated in a manner that enables them to achieve with the preference being given to girls. Why not educate seperately? We have boys denied the opportunity to do anything just with boys (which is perfectly natural) in case some vagina wants to join in safe in the knowledge that she is afforded both opportunites. We have misandrystc TV shows like Loose Wimmin who can objectify and vilfy men safe in the knowledge that most men are out at work and apethetic. This Christmas, the vile Denise Welch entered the Guinness book of world records for kissing as many scantily clad men dressed as father christmas as she could. The old slag! men were never afforded such joyous pleasures.
Make 2012 the year you challenge and speak out. For now.... see ya.