January 03, 2012


Happy New Year Gents.

What an uninspiring year 2011 turned out to be. We saw the same endless misandrystic attitude towards men whilst women wallowed in the self anointed cloak of victimhood.

2011 was filled with endless reports of violent women, woman who murder, female child abusers, husband batterers. sexism, objectification and double standards, females teachers abusing boys and girls along with the plethora of male orientated reasons for womens’ downfalls at every opportunity the year ended as it started. It was filled with hysteria over a small handful of women getting moist and angry over beauty pageants until one ‘feminist’ thinker declared it to be OK as those in the pageant were ‘clever’ women. To the women who complained ay Melanie Sykes' image in the Metro newspaper as being sexist as she was exposing her stomach, but failed to acknowledge that men are indeed more likely to be objectified than women. Indeed the aforementioned rag will often display modesty protected fully naked men without a flutter of an eye by women and men.

Its such the norm for men to be naked on TV and in films, much more likely to be fully exposed and of course you will always see that men are topless on hot days. Why oh why does society have such a problem with topless women yet allows men to do so. Well of course it is because you have been conditioned to think it was wrong and have not heard men bleating on about it being objectification. So women think they own such matters. And they don’t. This is the time to do more than moan on such blogs forums about what angers you. Go out and challenge. Plant the seeds in womens' minds that enough is enough.

During 2011 I have heard such comments like phwoar nice arse and endless other sexist comments coming from womens mouths. This of course does not surprise me despite me working for a respectful organisation. What this really proves is that ‘feminism’ achieved nothing. Nothing at all. It proves that the women are just people like men and totally equal. As such are as likely to behave like people do. Forget the smug faked superiority from women MP’s who have deluded themselves that they can change the world and that they represent women. Do they fuck. Women MP’s have proven to be cowards and I annoint them all, particularly the Labour nutters, with a white feather.

What you can do is to challenge sexist behaviours of all description but especially from women. Only today a female colleague threatened me with a smack in the mouth if I took a post it from her desk again. Whilst said in jest I equally in jest suggested I would smack her right back. Of course this raised a smile from my colleagues because we nomally must accept such comments from women. If we collectively challenge all behaviours we can really change this sick notion of acceptability. It’s not about loosing your sense of humour its about fairness. It’s not machismo that renders you silent at such times, it is permitted acceptabilty. Change comes now. If you don’t then there is no point challenging all the issues that affect men and not just my personal gripes but all matters.

I have changed so many peoples minds on our matters including many women as well as men. What is pleasing is that underneath it all I find that most people are in agreement and support men’s issues but I see that it is apathy that has allowed misandry to become the norm.

As is step down from my soap box I would thank you for your time and for taking the time to read my blog. I know I can be off the wall but the passion, and the drive is 100% sincere.

Look at our world. Everything we do, take for granted, use in our daily lives, the medication we take, the cars we drive, the peace we have, the planes in the sky, the trains running under sea, the roads we drive on the paths we we walk on, the pioneering fathers of the new world the houses we live in the skyscrapers and ancient dwellings in our cities. In fact practically everything comes from men and their toil. Ignore the fact that a couple of decades of so called equality has equalised men and women. It has not. In two thousand more years men and women will not be equal in such terms. Women make an amazing contribution to home and family which is their nature. There are women today equally doing well in a mans world but it is a tiny footprint on top of mountain that is the achievement of man. Never forget it. Walk tall and be proud. Ignore lying sexist comments like its a mans world but behind every great man is a great women. What does that mean? It is merely a pacifier that allows women to take some credit for achievements of men, Even a TV programme dedicated to the women who were behind the astronauts who allegedly landed on the moon as though it was down to them.

Wake up men. You are magnificent. Stop being a shrinking violet. Don’t be demasculised but lying notions of womanhood. Be proud speak out and look at life and thank the great men of the last two millenia who have transformed our lives and how we live. And they did it for all mankind.

And finally, a correction to a much overused lie from women. It is men who give life not woman.