..has a vagina.
The above smug perkin is Kate Green an"MP" from the UK. Getting her face in the press this week for tackling the worlds woes by getting her vagina all moist and squelchy over the Totty Beer disaster in the House of COMMONS (get it Kate?).
You see like so many vaginas, Kate thinks she is the bastion of sensibility and superiority and felt that the most abhorrent picture on the Blond Totty beer pump was enough to get herself some brownie points with the small and un-representaive group of women who think they speak for woman kind. I have to say Kate, I wholeheartedly agree with you. Anybody who takes the time to paruse my satirical offerings will know that I am a genuine equalitarian and would be pointing at my vagina if men were equally objectified.
(Points at vagina!)
But that is where the problem lies. You see I can show the inequality with regard to objectification and proffer countless examples on this blog where men are far more objectified than women and the degree of objectification is far more severe. Whereas Ms Green, who is in a position of privilege, does not give a shit for anything other than gaining herself some modicom of publicity by saying 'women' a lot. But she is only tomorrows chippy paper. Whereas she could forget her personal hidden agenda and go and do something like creating jobs for people or getting to do something for under achieving boys or even getting to know what real women are like. Then she may realise that it is men who should be afforded some empathy for having to sit in a workplace or a pub or bar and endure women sexualising, objectifying and vilifying men just like, yes JUST like some men do about women.
Kate.... WOMAN UP!
(No vagina was hurt in this presentation)